Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hollywood artists v/s Indian artists

When we talk about artists, the things which appear in our mind are like singer, writer, painter, musicians, actors & the list goes on. Artists are nothing but human beings with some unique qualities which make them expert in some particular field of 'entertainment'. Main job of rtists is to entertain rest of the people, who precisely can be called as 'ordinary people'. It is but obvious that when we think about artists we think of such a persona who is rich, famous & is happy in all kind.

Talking about comparison between Indian artists & particularly artists from Hollywood, most of the people would say that Indian artists have got pure & sheer talent. But the way they put their talent in front of the whole world is at lower level than that of Hollywood artists. And thats the reason why Hollywood artists are wealthier than Indian artists and to me that's not at all a big deal. But the main thing which is to be noticed is the way these artists leave their life. From whatever i've read in these last 5 months i can say that though Hollywood stars are more successful than Indian stars, most of them do not own experience of happy and unstressed life. Alomost 60% of hollywood stars die due to unbalanced & stressfull life. Suicide, overdose of drugs or sleeping pills, gunshots are common reason for their death. Also most of these hollywood artists have their hands involved in one or the other murder or drug rackets. These artists often find their way to rehab for various addiction caused by loss of sleep. No doubt artist compete among themselves to reach at the top, but sometimes this competition turns into confrontation & this is often seen in the hollywood artists. Though Indian artists compete with each other they do show some amount of respect. Even the king of pop Michael Jackson & greatest MC of all time Tupac Shakur could not acheive natural death, former died of drug overdose & the later one by gunshots fired at him by some stranger. The famous singer Kurt Cobain killed himself because of some conflicts in his love life.

The difference is between cultures, and it reflects in lives
of these artists in huge amount! No doubt hollywood artists produce some real masterpieces in their respective fields, but I feel the way in which Indian artists acheive success & still manage to maintain balance between their stardom & real life is an appreciable thing! Being an Indian I will always be proud of talent in my country!
(P.S.- this article is a reflection of whatever i've read about artists through various resources.)


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